1. cRPG

I know that all of you are probably saying, 'Why are there no multiplayer mods in this stupid list? Isn't that what Warband is all about?'. And you are all correct. That is about to change now, because the only multiplayer mod for Mount and Blade Warband you will ever need is cRPG.

cRPG makes the inconsistent, buggy and hacker filled world of Mount and Blade Warband multiplayer mods take a 180-turn for greatness. This mod actually has several multiplayer overhauls written into its code, including more balanced weapons and equipment and improved matchmaking and server stability. While those are nice and certainly needed, the biggest reason why cRPG is on this list is because it adds a persistent multiplayer world, where your character gains levels and loot based on how well you kill other players in real-time. There is strategy, team-based play options and a deep and addicting grind. There is not much else to say about cRPG, other than this is the best Mount and Blade Warband mod available today.

This post is part of the series: Mount and Blade Mods

A guide to the best mods, patches and expansion packs for Mount and Blade.
Is there any way to manually release captured prisoners at your own will? (let them go free)
My specific situation is this:
I have captured lords of a given faction, and that faction has since been defeated. I suspect that I will not receive a ransom for these captured lords anymore, and wish to let them go to free. This will free up a few prisoner slots.
I want to let them go free. Is it possible?
I defeated Kingdom of Vaegirs.
I held some of their lords prisoner before they were defeated. I wish to let them go free. However, I see no way of doing this.
These are the only remaining lords for this faction because I still have them!
Thanks for reading.
3,1863 gold badges21 silver badges43 bronze badges

5 Answers

If you own any castles or towns I think you can put all your items in a chest in the lord's hall and all our troops in the garrison. Go unarmed with no troops with only the lords of the dead faction with you. Then you get in a battle and let yourself get defeated. Since all your items are in a chest and all your troops are in a garrison, all you should lose is your prisoners (the lords you want to set free).
After taking time to look for an answer, it would appear that aside from the options I suggested in my question, there isn't any way to manually free lords in order to open up prisoner slots at any given time. The best thing to do seems to be to let them escape on their own over time, or drop them off in a town's prison.
Mount And Blade Warband Diplomacy Constable
You can let non-lords go free when capturing new prisoners after a battle or hiring troops after a battle, but that's about as close as it gets!
Some additional help, if you drag them around with you (not in a garrison), in 72 hours, they have a 50% chance of escaping from you. Just take a bunch of them and drag them along with your party and do normal stuff until they 'escape'.
3,1863 gold badges21 silver badges43 bronze badges
There is no way to release them in the native game (perhaps with mods, but i haven't researched those). Webroot secure anywhere serial key. Your best bet is to take them out of your cities garisson and keep them in your personal prisoner inventory. Escape chances for your lord are higher there then in a town, making it easier for the lord to escape. After that it all depends upon luck (i still have two counts as a prisoner in my personal stack, even though both Rhodocks and Swadia were defeated more then 100 days ago. Most of them, including their kings have since escaped and left the realm or joined a new factions (me) since then.
Paddy FitzgeraldPaddy Fitzgerald
The easy way to do this: Step 1: garrison the prisoner in your own castle/ town prison and then Step 2: manually enter your own prison. Talk to your prisoner and there is an option that says 'You are free to go'.
Also if you use Diplomacy mod, there is an option to release prisoners by talking to the Constable.
It is true that defeat or waiting for escape are alternatives as well.
I don't have the lord of a faction in my party, but have you tried:
party menu> person you want to disband> clicking the 'Talk' option> selecting option like:
Example 1'We need to separate'
Example 2'That's right, we need to part ways'
Good luck, hope I helped!

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Mount and Blade: Warband

Mount and Blade: Warband is the exclusive expansion game to the original Mount and Blade. Mount & Blade: Warband is a hack-and-slash action-adventure rpg much like the original, but Warband has improved graphics, AI, combat, animations and most importantly online play. But still, there are many bugs and issues with Mount and Blade: Warband. The answer to those issues is by modding Mount and Blade: Warband. But with so many mods to choose from, what is a lonely medieval warrior wannabe supposed to do? Thats why this handy guide was written, to show you the top 5 best Mount and Blade: Warband mods.

5. Diplomacy

Single player Mount and Blade: Warband is much like the original Mount and Blade. With a detailed overworld map, engaging free-play campaign mode and epic army on army action, Warband still delivers an exciting single player campaign. However, the Mount and Blade: Warband mod Diplomacy makes the single player campaign much deeper than almost any other mod. You see, a new addition to Warband is a much greater emphasis on Kingdom Management, and diplomacy allows for a great deal of freedom in that department. Some improvements include an alliance/traitor system, a faction culture system that helps lord not choose bad troops, a choice between domestic policy, some economic options, and a host of other anti-enemy options as well. These improvements allow for an almost political warfare type minigame to emerge, deepening the addiction of many rpg lovers worldwide.

4. Blood and Steel

Do you wake up in the morning and power down a Musclemilk for breakfast? Go base-jumping for meditation? Are you on a first name basis with Chuck Norris? Well if so, you will probably love Mount and Blade: Warband Blood and Steel. Blood and Steel says it perfectly, it is a 'very hardcore tactical combat simulation with a lot of 'what-if' scenarios in it- for example, we get to find out what it might have been like if the Roman Empire had continued to exist, and continued to use heavy infantry tactics versus medieval shock-cavalry forces'. Emphasis on the hardcore.

Blood and Steel improves Mount and Blade:Warband combat to make hitting someone actually mean something other than '22 damage!'. Instead of normal sieges of 200-400 smelly Nords, think more like a calm hurricane of 1500+ vikings all aiming to pull an arm or leg off of your body. However, the best improvement in Blood and Steel is the completely satisfying enemy AI, gone are the days of horses getting stuck on rocks. Also appreciated is the focus on reworked equipment; an arrow actually kills people now. The fun in Blood and Steel is mainly in the challenge, and the satisfaction in simply surviving the most intense battles in Mount and Blade ever. That is why Blood and Steel is in the top 5 best Mount and Blade: Warband mods.

3. Prophecy of Pendor

One of the most popular Mount and Blade mods, Prophecy of Pendor has now been ported over to Mount and Blade: Warband! While this alone would have been enough to vault Pendor into the top 5 best Mount and Blade Warband mods list, there have also been some improvements to the base Pendor mod.

First off, many textures have been reworked to fit into Warband's graphical changes, meaning that Pendor is even more beautiful and varied than before. Second, the enemy AI has been revamped completely, gone are the days of peasants charging headlong into 100 strong filthy Nord armies, now enemies can run away from battle. Also, there are new formations, such as wedge and column that help you annihilate annoying enemies such as dirty Nordic warlords. Lastly, the randomly spawning named enemies have gotten a tweak that makes them spawn at rates a little less absurd, making the single player campaign for Mount and Blade: Warband much more enjoyable.

2. Battle Sizer Mod

Ah, the old standby best Mount and Blade mod; Battle Sizer Mod. Thankfully, this mod still works with Mount and Blade: Warband, although with the new graphical changes it can be slightly unstable if driven to extreme levels, such as 400+ unit battles. It also takes a little bit of technical know-how, or following directions to the T, as you do have to change the config.txt file in order to use the mod.

Still, Battle Sizer Mod is one of those once in a lifetime epiphanies, like trying a slice of real New York pizza for the first time. Once you see an epic battle of 200 vs. 200 you will never want to play Mount and Blade Warband the same again. This beautiful little mod gives us the warfare we all wanted to see. That is why it is the number two best Mount and Blade Warband mod ever.

1. cRPG

Mount And Blade Warband Diplomacy How To Appoint Constable

I know that all of you are probably saying, 'Why are there no multiplayer mods in this stupid list? Isn't that what Warband is all about?'. And you are all correct. That is about to change now, because the only multiplayer mod for Mount and Blade Warband you will ever need is cRPG.

cRPG makes the inconsistent, buggy and hacker filled world of Mount and Blade Warband multiplayer mods take a 180-turn for greatness. This mod actually has several multiplayer overhauls written into its code, including more balanced weapons and equipment and improved matchmaking and server stability. While those are nice and certainly needed, the biggest reason why cRPG is on this list is because it adds a persistent multiplayer world, where your character gains levels and loot based on how well you kill other players in real-time. There is strategy, team-based play options and a deep and addicting grind. There is not much else to say about cRPG, other than this is the best Mount and Blade Warband mod available today.

This post is part of the series: Mount and Blade Mods

A guide to the best mods, patches and expansion packs for Mount and Blade.
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Cheat Codes
Open the launcher, select 'Configure', and click the 'Game' tab. Check the 'Enable Cheats' box, and click the 'OK' button. Then, enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Dickplomacy Mount And Blade Warband

Result Screen Cheat Code
+1,000 Dinar one time Inventory[Ctrl] + X
+1,000 experience points (one time) Character[Ctrl] + X
Faster leveling[Ctrl] + L
Increase all weapon proficiencies Character[Ctrl] + W
Upgrade selected unit (one time) Party[Ctrl] + X
See everything except hideouts Map[Ctrl] + T
Teleport party Map[Ctrl] + Left Mouse Button
Upgrade all available units to that path Battle[Ctrl ] + Left Click
Restore health Battle[Ctrl] + H
Heal your horse Battle[Ctrl] + [Shift] + H
Damage yourself Battle[Ctrl] + [F3]
Knock single enemy unit unconscious Battle Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and press [F4]
All enemy troops unconscious Battle[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F4]
All enemies zoomed into unconscious Battle[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F4]
AI takes over your character Battle[Ctrl] + [F5]
Toggle slow motion[Ctrl] + [F9]
Alternate abilities
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of the files before proceeding. First, create a new character in the game. Then, go to the character page (attributes, etc.), and choose 'Statistics' (under the character portrait). Next, click 'Export'. Once your character has been successfully exported, exit the game, and enter the game folder. Open the 'charexport' folder, which should be the top folder, and double click the file with your character's name. After saving a copy of the file, change the values to whatever desired. Start the game again, and reload your saved game. Go back to the statistics through the character page. Choose the file that you edited, and load it. Your character will now have those abilities.
Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.